What are we learning?
When I use this kids research guide, I am learning to:
1. Round up, compare and sort information from several sources.
I know I can do this if:
- I can explore and use a range of sources about the past
- I can identify and compare features of objects from the past and present
2. Begin to use historical terms to read, talk and write about history.
I know I can do this if:
- I can discuss and recount stories of local history
- I can sequence familiar objects and events
- I can distinguish between the past, present and future
For teachers:
AustralianCurriculum / General capabilities / Critical and creative thinking / Learning continuum
Organise and process information.
Inquiring – Level 2. Typically by the end of Year 2, students organise information based on similar or relevant ideas from several sources (Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority, n.d. a).
Australian Curriculum / General capabilities / Literacy / Learning continuum
Word Knowledge.
Understand learning area vocabulary. Typically by the end of Year 2, students use mostly familiar vocabulary, with a steady introduction of new vocabulary in learning area contexts (Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority, n.d. b).
Continuum of skills in history K-10 (Board of Studies NSW, 2012).
Stage 1 – analysis and use of sources:
- Students explore and use a range of sources about the past.
- Students identify and compare features of objects from the past and present.
Stage 1 – comprehension: chronology, terms and concepts:
- Students can discuss and recount stories of local history
- Students can sequence familiar objects and events
- Students can distinguish between the past, present and future